New Office Location

After having resided almost a decade at the Corda Incubator-Hasselt we moved office last week to BioVille-Diepenbeek. This move was inspired by finding a deeper connection with various health care …

Visit to MEDICA 2022 Highlights

On the 17th of November we were visiting Medica 2022, the world’s leading medical trade fair, inDüsseldorf, meeting medical technology experts and companies from around the world. Our main goal …

Personalized Medicine Seminar

Today we’ll participate in a Seminar organized by Leuven MindGate to discuss the possibilities and challenges of a digital approach to Personalized Medicine, also known as P4 Medicine: Predictive, Preventive, …

Natural Language Processing in Health

Hospitals and Health systems hold a great amount of patient information that has the potential to transform care delivery, but resides in Health IT systems as unstructured free text. Natural …