Digital Survey and Data Visualization for Influenza and Covid-19 vaccination campaign in Lommel, Belgium

On December 12th 2020 Oehoe Data Science assisted the medical practitioners of OptiHealth Care with a digital survey for patients receiving their influenza vaccine. The idea behind was to better understand the type of underlying conditions that can lower your immunity, gathering insight on the personal behavior regarding travel & Covid-19 safety rules and finally to learn about any kind of predisposition for possible allergic reactions. The survey was conducted anonymously, according GDPR rules and was personally conducted by a team of four General Practitioners, while patients were waiting for their vaccination to be received. In total we interviewed 70 patients at the Diagnosecentrum Lommel, Belgium, from which 53% male, 47% female. Lessons learned and insights collected from this run will be published in a Power BI report and will be handed over to the team of OptiHealth Care. The idea is to share and discuss afterwards with the General Practitioners and Medical Staff and to take lessons learned for the new wave to come for Covid-19 vaccination rounds. Different or additional questions to be addressed for the Covid-19 vaccination survey will be tailored towards its specific needs. As vaccination cycles will come in multiple waves, in between lessons learned will be taken into account for the next ones to come. Oehoe Data Science supports on a voluntarily basis, contributing this way for society at large. Our credo is to be “Compassionate towards your Health” and together with the mission of OptiHealth Care of “Ethical Entrepreneurship” this way we put things into practice. We would like to thank the team of OptiHealth Care for their friendly reception and cooperation.