Oehoe Data Science offers the following Management and Strategy consulting services for the healthcare market:

  • Value Based Strategy
  • Business Case Feasibility Studies
  • Value Assessments
  • Technology Commercialization
  • Project and Program Management
  • Innovation and Technology Management

Value Based Strategy starts with understanding what drives value for the customer and for the firm. Value created for the customer should be in balance with value captured for the firm. When this is out of shape it may lead to excessive value captured by the firm and little created for the customer or vice versa. Understanding value gains and drains is essential in optimizing a firm’s offering. We use a visualization toolbox to prioritize value drivers and to create a value map, both in a qualitative and a quantitative way. Furthermore, algebraic formulas are used while transferring the value equation into a value model, where possible including financial parameters like Net Present Value or equivalent. Subsequently, key success factors are identified and organizational capabilities & resources are mapped to fulfill these success factors. The ultimate goal is to create a ‘value based’ value proposition.

Business Case Feasibility Studies logically follow a Value Based Strategy. Building on a value proposition as mentioned above, such a study has a transformational intent. After framing the specific business challenge, a holistic approach is taken to address the issues at stake from different viewpoints, i.e. healthcare regulatory concerns, innovation roadmap to deliver the proposition, time to market, team composition, needed skills & training, budget need and funding sources. A sensitivity analyses on a Net Present Value based model is often meaningful. This may go along with scenario building as a means of guidance towards a decision point.

Innovation Management starts from the idea that innovation is a combination of an invention or know-how creation with a successful commercialization. This is a two-sided medal, both an invention and a commercialization track are needed. During the innovation cycle ideas mature from early-stage know-how creation through product development to service and lifetime management. Given the limited bandwidth of resources and budget a deliberate project portfolio choice is needed. This will drive project selection for product and service development. For every project-phase choices should be made on whether or not to progress to the next phase. And on which key internal competences  to focus in order to create a truly competitive difference in the firm’s market approach.

Technology Commercialization Process: